Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Monsanto Nastiness

I have watched The Future of Food (and own it, if you want to borrow it), but this is More Info on the lovely Monsanto...and it's free to watch. Give yourself about an hour and half.
New link:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Action time, my friends.

So here is some food crisis reading. Greenpa, a REAL green activist has posted a call to action here. Dirt cakes are not food. There is enough food in this world to feed everyone. Profiteering and Food-Speculating are not human in spirit and are the product of capitalism gone awry. Read Greenpa's post. Write an e-mail, make some calls, post a link or 10.

Friday, April 18, 2008


In a step towards more self-reliance and food security, we have started in on the big chicken project. We have some baby chicks who will one day be laying hens and they have a coop built to move into, once spring finally actually arrives. We are expecting snow in Portland OR this weekend. I could go into a long rant about the weather, but there is plenty of info on it now. Try this link if you want more depressing news, thanks to the wonderful Sharon Astyk the blogger's research. If you want more chicken information go to ! Good stuff in both places.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Treasure Mapping; Today is the Day

Last night at 8:54, we moved into the Aries New Moon and are now ready to Treasure Map for the year. P got his magazines last night and the kids and I are going this morning. This afternoon we will get to work, opening ourselves to the journey of this next year.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Speaking of food...

The food crisis is here. and it's big and obvious if you have been to the market to buy staples lately.
Today I was placing my order with Azure Standard and it all hit me in the face. A group of local mamas and I all order together in order to meet a $400 minimum. Anyhow, this is a great company with its focus being on natural products, many of them in bulk amounts. Earlier this week I had started loading my "online shopping cart" and had included a 50lb bag of oat flour for the price of $36. Today, I looked online and that same bag of oat flour was now $47.90. Holy geez. This was oat too! Not even the recently uber-publicized wheat flour. After doing some further reading, I understand that the crisis is really about all staples. I am so sad because there will be so much loss around the world and I don't think that it can be remedied very quickly. Any ideas?